Feeding your pet is part of what you do to show them love, but are those foods providing them with enough nourishment? Unfortunately, most pet foods are purchased based on whether the pet will eat it as opposed to nutrition. While it’s important that your furry friend enjoys their meal, it’s even more important they get nourishment and the right amount of food that they need.
Why does my pet need nutrition counselling?
A nutrition consultation may be necessary for your pet due to various health reasons. Through bloodwork we may discover that your pet has an allergy, is lacking nutrients or we may notice a problem with their weight. A nutrition counselling session is the first step to mending these problems. We teach pet parents how to establish healthy eating habits in their pet’s diet, how to decode nutrition labels and which foods are good options for their pets.
What should I feed my puppy/kitten?
Younger pets have unique dietary requirements because they haven’t developed a strong immune defense. This makes them more susceptible to health issues. Puppies and kittens need a diet that contains protein, carbohydrates, fiber and more. Some breeds may have special dietary requirements. For example, some puppies need a good mix of calcium and protein to grow to their full potential. We can help you weed through all the various food options made for puppies and kittens. To make the choice easier we carry veterinary-approved brands in our clinic.
What toxins can affect my pet?
You should pay close attention to everything your pet eats, especially when it comes to food that isn’t manufactured for them. Some human foods contain poisonous substances that can cause serious health issues for your pet. We know your loyal companion can be very curious and may encounter household items that can harm them so here’s a list of substances/foods you should keep away from your pet:
- Human medications (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, herbal supplements, etc.)
- Certain human foods (garlic, onions, grapes, macadamia nuts, sugar-free candy/chocolate/gum, alcohol, etc.)
- Plants (lilies, chrysanthemums, tulips and azaleas)
- Garden products and pesticides
If your pet has consumed any of these items they need immediate veterinary attention. Please call us at 604-591-5304.