Surgical Services for Pets

At Kennedy Heights Animal & Bird Hospital we offer quality surgical services from our veterinary care team who have years of training and experience. We are the best option for all procedures your pet may need. Our staff hold themselves to a higher standard because they care about every patient in our operating room.

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What surgeries does your hospital offer?

Kennedy Heights offers a wide range of surgical procedures to our patients. Our hospital has a surgical suite that is top-tier and comparable to human hospitals. Our veterinarians use their knowledge and expertise to perform the following surgeries:

  1. Spays and neuters
  2. Cardiac surgeries
  3. Benign growths on the skin
  4. Endocrine/Thyroid surgery
  5. Dental procedures
  6. Soft tissue surgeries 

What type of anesthesia is given to my pet?

We follow strict protocols before using anesthesia such as assessing their heart and respiratory rate and blood pressure to determine how much anesthetic is safe. Anesthesia is administered to all pets during procedures to keep them calm and to prevent them from feeling pain. There are two types of anesthesia that may be used during your pet’s surgery: 


With general anesthesia, your pet is unconscious and does not feel any pain or discomfort. With most general anesthetic procedures we give pets a sedative to calm them first as the bright lights and surgical instruments may scare them. We maintain unconsciousness by delivering a gas anesthetic mixed with oxygen through a breathing tube.


Local anesthesia is used in minor or diagnostic procedures such as biopsies. It numbs the area where the procedure is performed. With local anesthesia we sometimes give pets a sedative or anti-anxiety medication since they are awake during the procedure.

How can I help my pet recover from surgery?

It can take your pet anywhere from weeks to months to recover from a surgical procedure. To help with pain management our veterinarians will prescribe medications. We advise our clients to call us at 604-591-5304 if they have any concerns about their pet’s recovery. Here are some tips to make recovery easier for your pet:

  1. Follow their pain management plan
  2. Keep the incision/wound dry and clean to prevent infection
  3. Monitor your pet’s temperature, ensure it isn’t too low
  4. Encourage them to eat
  5. Limit their physical activity until the veterinarian says otherwise
  6. Ensure they don’t chew or bite their surgery wound

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