We perform diagnostics to get a clear look at your pet’s internal organs and structures. Ultrasonography (ultrasounds) and radiology (X-rays) are both pain-free and noninvasive tools we use to diagnose conditions in your pet. To give a proper diagnosis we use both imaging techniques as they examine different organs. Our team has the special training and skills required to accurately interpret the images. For more information about this service, please call us at 604-591-5304.
What are X-rays?
X-rays use electromagnetic radiation to generate images. The radiation creates scans of the penetrable areas in your pet’s body. With digital X-ray equipment the scans are shown on a computer where we can resize the image without losing clarity. X-rays provide information about your pet’s bones, stomach, colon, intestines, lungs, heart, bladder and prostate.
What are ultrasounds?
Ultrasonography uses sound waves to look deeper into your pet’s body. Our team applies gel to a specific area on your pet and uses a transducer to show images on a computer. The transducer emits sound waves that echo at varying degrees based on the amount of fluid in that area or the density of the structure. Ultrasounds can evaluate your pet’s heart, kidney, liver and gallbladder. They can also detect cysts, pregnancies and tumours.
Are ultrasounds and X-rays safe?
Yes, both forms of diagnostics are safe for your loyal companion. Our hospital uses digital X-rays which capture images faster and thereby uses less radiation. Your pet won’t experience any effects from getting an X-ray done as we take extra precaution to ensure their safety.
Will my pet need to be sedated?
In some cases we may sedate your pet. Generally we don’t use any sedation or anesthesia to perform ultrasounds or X-rays as the procedure is pain free. If your pet is anxious and is having a difficult time staying in one place for X-rays we will sedate them or administer a short-acting anesthetic. To avoid blurry images your pet needs to remain still during X-rays.